What are Your Industry's Particular Coal Needs?

Industries have different needs when it comes to coal specs, inventory issues and terms. KISPL understands your coal import requirements. Choose your industry sector below to find out how we serve you better.

power . . . . . . . . . . . . steel . . . . . . . . . . . . . cement . . . . . . . . . . .
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Know the Annual Coal Consumption of your Power Plant...

Capacity of
Power Plant

Station Heat

Specific Heat
of Coal

Plant Load

Annual Coal Consumption

KISPL serves you at every stage of Advisory and Execution Services.

From mine to plant, KISPL delivers peace of mind.....

demand planning
coal miner/supplier vetting
bid evaluation and management
contract negotiation
supplier management
contract management and compliance
logistics management
performance management
spend analysis
knowledge management
proposal lifecycle management

Coal policy in India

Understand India's coal and import policy framework through these articles

Evolving Energy Management Co.

KIS provides hard-to-beat advantages in service offering

JANUARY 10, 2008, NEW DELHI KISPL has been promoted to take advantage of the changing economic scenario due to liberalization and globalization of the Indian economy by leveraging knowledge and experience to focus on offering services across multiple sunrise sectors of the economy.
   KISPL is responsible for coal procurement, marketing and selling activities and utilizes the experience and knowledge gained through being a high volume supplier of imported coal for over 15 years. Presently, KISPL’s efforts contribute over 10% market share of imported thermal coal requirement of India’s Power sector.

What makes KISPL a Leading Coal Importer

  • The company has exposure to coal suppliers and buyers across various industries including steel, and are pioneers in coal imports in India for use in power and cement sector
  • The management team is dynamic, talented, experienced and conversant with the norms of international trade
  • The management team has over 100 man-years of experience and excellent relationships internationally as well as within India
  • The promoters have a sound track record of more than 15 years. 
  • The company deals with large and reputed clients e.g. SAIL, BSES, MMTC, MSEB, Rio Tinto, Noble Energy, Glencore, Bulk Trading, Digvijay Cements, Tata Power, MALCO, GHCL, PSEB, Jindal group etc.

What kispl Aspires to become

january 10, 2008, new delhi KISPL aims to dynamically evolve as India’s leading energy management company by following an integral corporate concept of converging the production, trading (both international and domestic) and delivery to ensure complete customer satisfaction by optimising the fuel and other energy requirements of the industry.

  • To be the force behind an environment of excellence through the convergence of knowledge, leadership, innovation and cooperation
  • To be the largest energy and fuel management company in India through the process of globalising the market needs in India by converging globally volatile fuel market in the upstream management of the Industry
  • To deliver world class products and services that enrich the lives of all stakeholders
  • To comply with, as well as set, standards of best practices in the area of chosen businesses


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Knowledge = Power…

Coal Basics

A picture is worth a thousand words.
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As received basis


Coal Conversions for Traders

convert coal enrgy from the given basis to desired basis

Basic Conversion calculator


Word of the Day

Washability The relationship between coal ash and relative density of a coal fraction, determined using laboratory float and sink techniques.

all definitionsshipping terms